welcome to valence

hi! welcome to my nekoweb. this is my personal site and basically just where i log my insane thoughts, art, and rambling about my interests. this is a redo of my main site on neocities that im doing for fun- i may or may not mirror this to neocities, or keep it the way it is on nekoweb. who knows. i sure dont.

enjoy your stay here, however long that may be. probably not very, judging by how much of a WIP this is right now.

who the hell are you

the name's riley! i manage this site in my free time. this is one of my many personal sites, but i figured that i should make a fancy new one for nekoweb instead of just porting over my neocities, since theres no fun in that. this site consists of my interests, which is mostly pokemon and guilty gear, at the moment. well, its usually pokemon. just a lot of pokemon.

link to the site!

website counter

patch notes

> 3/13/24 - art page added

> 3/11/24 - about page added

> 3/8/24 - turning this into a personal site because i want to. lets do this thing

webrings, ads, etc.

MapleStory Finger Point